
Obama’s Master Plan to Illegally Overthrow Trump

This is the post excerpt.


The fix is in. Obama is trying to overthrow Trump and assume a dictator rule over the United States. Originally investigated by several mainstream media outlets, Obama’s plan has been fully exposed. Working with officials in the intelligence community, Obama is attempting an unprecedented coup in an attempt to regain power atop the United States government.

The idea is to work with the media and intelligence officials to discredit Trump through the fake Russia scandal and  have him impeached. Obama will claim that Pence was also involved and move to declare himself the temporary dictator of the United States. However, his reach for power will not stop there.

“Obama is still a grave threat to the wellbeing of this nation”, white house press secretary Sean Spicer said on Friday.

He intends to appoint an entirely new supreme court that will give him full power to remain dictator of the United States in a lifelong term. These are troubling times, but we must stand with President Trump and never allow this to happen!

Intel Reports Confirm: Obama Sold US Secrets to N. Korea

A shocking development Monday morning, as sources within the CIA and Department of Homeland Security say they now have conclusive evidence that former President, Barack Hussein Obama, sold US intelligence and military secrets to incumbent North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un.

CIA director, Mike Pompeo commented, “It’s an ongoing investigation and I’ll need to hold back further comment until an indictment is issued”.

When asked if an indictment is like at this point, Pomeo responded, “I don’t want to give too much information but we can say at this point multiple indictments are a virtual certainty”.

With Pompeo’s statements, although limited in content, one must assume that president Obama’s best days are likely behind him.


Julian Assange unveiled another bombshell Sunday evening, alleging that wikileaks now has hard proof that former President, Barack Hussein Obama, operated and participated in a pedophile ring based in the white house.

A leaked email released today read,

“A young boy the age of 5. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.”

“The leak is bound to start a massive investigation”, Assange said. “That is if we can get the word out before the news is swallowed up by the Obama shadow government.”


Obama has not yet responded for comment.

Other notables named in the report as being involved in the ring are the following:

Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Tim Kaine

Elizabeth Warren

Jimmy Carter

Harry Reid

Ben Affleck

Cory Booker

Al Franken

Nancy Pelosi


Reports have surfaced that former first lady Michelle Obama was the recipient of a sex change surgery in Pasadena, California mid July last year.

Photos from the procedure have reportedly been leaked and confirmed. She will go down in history as the major American political figure to have had a sex change procedure.

Finally the photos showing the bulge in between her legs last year make a lot more sense. But don’t worry Michelle, we’ll always judge you more for enabling your husband to destroy the country than we will for your sex change decision!



US Attorney general, Jeff Sessions, announced Sunday evening that he is coordinating with FBI Director, James Comey, to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email servers after new evidence involving child trafficking has come to light.

Some speculate that the Trump administration held off their plans to indict Clinton on conspiracy charges wanting to avoid interference from former president, Barack Hussein Obama.

Sessions assured the press that an indictment was indeed coming soon and that they have enough evidence to “put her away for a long, long time”.

Clinton has not yet returned calls to comment.

Trump’s Immigration Policy Already Saving Lives

Just weeks within becoming president, Donald J. Trump and his policies are already saving American lives.

Juan Carlos Jimenez (pictured below) was apprehended in route to murder his ex girlfriend, Linda Walker, 28.

Jimenez was apprehended as part of Trump’s hunt to deport illegal immigrants. Upon his arrest it was discovered that Jimenez had a loaded 12 gauge shotgun in the front seat accompanied by a murder suicide note.

If it weren’t for the new president’s stern stance on immigration, there would have certainly been a murder that day. Countless other lives are bound to be saved from the deportation of illegal aliens.

Jimenez has been officially charged with attempted murder and being held at the Jackson County Jail with no bond. If convicted he faces up to 25 years in prison and deportation after his sentence.


5. Nuestra Familia – USA.jpg                                                             By Josh Gurble








Amid a myriad of controversy over confirmed fake news reports, it appears that the struggles for cable media goliath, CNN, has just begun.

Persistent watchdog groups, like ‘People for a Better America’ have exposed definitive financial ties between CNN and ISIS groups operating in Syria, Yemen, and northern Iraq.

Chairman of of the PFABA, Tim Graw, comment, “People don’t understand the level of corruption in today’s media. They lie and lie to try and favor a socialist agenda and are hardly held accountable. Hopefully this news will help shed some light and finally action can be taken against the fake media.”

President Trump has commented that he plans to take executive actions to restrict the passing of funds from media groups to terrorist organization.

Meanwhile, newly confirmed Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, says that he will push for a formal investigation and that wrong-doers will be “absolutely brought to justice.

Kentucky Man Joins Al-Shabaab

By Josh Kurbles

            Terry Williamson, of Frankfurt, Kentucky was a normal man with a normal job living in a normal town. That is until he was recruited by terror group ‘Al-Shabaab’ and shipped to Somalia to fight alongside some of the most brutal Islamic terror groups on the face of the earth.

Leaving behind his wife and 3 children, Williamson departed for Somalia in November of 2016. He left behind a note saying,

“A new caliphate has risen. We will fight Trump, the American people, and anyone who stands in our path. Terry Williamson is dead. I shall now be known as Abu-Mohammed Al Zahri, and may you all soon see the power of Allah”.

These chilling words is the last any of Williamson’s family has heard of him since his disappearance until the release of the photos.

US intelligence agencies including the FBI and CIA have announced a formal investigation into Williamson and have been receiving cooperation from Intel agencies in Somalia.