US Attorney general, Jeff Sessions, announced Sunday evening that he is coordinating with FBI Director, James Comey, to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email servers after new evidence involving child trafficking has come to light.

Some speculate that the Trump administration held off their plans to indict Clinton on conspiracy charges wanting to avoid interference from former president, Barack Hussein Obama.

Sessions assured the press that an indictment was indeed coming soon and that they have enough evidence to “put her away for a long, long time”.

Clinton has not yet returned calls to comment.


  1. This would be a move towards Making America Great. I don’t know about James Comey…I think he is very questionable individual.


  2. Arresting Hillary would be a GREAT sign that Trump will give America true JUSTICE after what’s been found out about her. Just ‘try’ to imagine for a minute..that she won.
    She was all for open borders, bringing in ‘unlimited’ number of illegals (like Germany / France), not offering ‘anything’ for the people.. just simply ready & able to complete the One World Evil Satanic Order. Imagine how lucky America is now with Trump who is pushing the WALL to kill their One World Global crap.
    I’ve heard (through MANY presentations/documentaries that a lot of politicians are being ‘blackmailed’ for pedophilia that they have no choice but to follow ‘orders.’ Comey doesn’t seem to be a pedo kinda guy.. or maybe his family has been threatened. Dunno.. I’m sure once the ‘transformation’ in Washington is done.. there will be protection for those who want to EXPOSE the corrupt.
    Peace n Safety!


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