Trump’s Immigration Policy Already Saving Lives

Just weeks within becoming president, Donald J. Trump and his policies are already saving American lives.

Juan Carlos Jimenez (pictured below) was apprehended in route to murder his ex girlfriend, Linda Walker, 28.

Jimenez was apprehended as part of Trump’s hunt to deport illegal immigrants. Upon his arrest it was discovered that Jimenez had a loaded 12 gauge shotgun in the front seat accompanied by a murder suicide note.

If it weren’t for the new president’s stern stance on immigration, there would have certainly been a murder that day. Countless other lives are bound to be saved from the deportation of illegal aliens.

Jimenez has been officially charged with attempted murder and being held at the Jackson County Jail with no bond. If convicted he faces up to 25 years in prison and deportation after his sentence.


5. Nuestra Familia – USA.jpg                                                             By Josh Gurble





One thought on “Trump’s Immigration Policy Already Saving Lives”

  1. OUR 45th president/Commander in Chief will be known as one of the TOP 5 president’s in American History. Very Proud to be a Donald J. Trump supporter. America once again has a classy First Family residing in OUR White House. Most importantly, Donald J. Trump is a TRUE AMERICAN LEADER.

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