Julian Assange unveiled another bombshell Sunday evening, alleging that wikileaks now has hard proof that former President, Barack Hussein Obama, operated and participated in a pedophile ring based in the white house.

A leaked email released today read,

“A young boy the age of 5. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.”

“The leak is bound to start a massive investigation”, Assange said. “That is if we can get the word out before the news is swallowed up by the Obama shadow government.”


Obama has not yet responded for comment.

Other notables named in the report as being involved in the ring are the following:

Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Tim Kaine

Elizabeth Warren

Jimmy Carter

Harry Reid

Ben Affleck

Cory Booker

Al Franken

Nancy Pelosi


  1. Oh for God’s sake!!!!! What ridiculous drivel! Whatever credibility Assange once had, he’s really lost now. His solitary confinement must have driven him mad.

    Liked by 9 people

      1. Can you explain Podesta’s leaked email that said Obama spent $65,000.00 of taxpayers money on a “hotdog” party from Chicago! There is NO OUTSIDE FOOD ALLOWED IN THE WHITE HOUSE FOR SECURITY REASONS! We will wait for a believable explanation!

        Liked by 29 people


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      4. Remember how no one could believe that the catholic church had such a huge problem with pedophiles???? Yeah. This is worse! There are tons!!!!! 1500 low level arrests in the last month. Just starting

        Liked by 22 people

    1. even if this were his first error, it would not take much out of his already established and proven credibility. I hope you jusdge your CNN and BS that you gobble up the same way, because if that is the case, then by all means they have fucked up many many times, and have invented, distorted and corrupted stories way more than anyone else in history.

      Liked by 12 people

      1. not surprised they are involved in this perversion.. why has this story been showing up for months ? and Assange reports have been proved correct..

        Liked by 11 people

      1. Yes, exactly. And would someone please tell Jenny Brown that the “hotdog” reference, unfortunately, had absolutely NOTHING to do with FOOD in the Whitehouse! Hello…. boys = hotdogs, Girls = hamburgers. Educate the liberals day. (If that’s possible )

        Liked by 11 people

      2. Pissagate is for real. So is the Pedophile Sex Ring out of Washington DC run by OBAMA, BILL & HILLARY, Pelosi, Warren, McCAIN Graham, JIMMY CARTER, AL , FRANKEN, and how many more and if it’s not true why was the lady investigating the CORRUPT CLINTON FOUNDATION foud dead in Haiti? They said ut was a mysterious death, then it became another suicide? SERIOUSLY? It’s time to clean all of OBAMA’S leftovers out of our American WHITE HOUSE.

        Liked by 15 people

      3. We must remember , Had it not been for WikiLeaks we would have Criminal Clinton as President( by name) and Ooobummer still in Charge .

        Liked by 9 people

      4. Exact ! Not Fak News.
        Do a search on google or youtube, on pizza gates. You will be so taken to the point of finding all this unreal
        Unfortunately this is the sad truth. Visit InfoWars with Alex Jones. He has been talking about it for a long time. Sad Bad Tru 😦

        Liked by 7 people


        Liked by 8 people

      2. I would have to see Sean speak this live in-person in order to believe. As much as I disliked obama and still do…this story is something anyone could put out there. The story is horrific but I don’t think even obama is that dang dumb.


    2. WikiLeaks has NEVER had to retract a story. Not once. While Bush was in office, leftist like you loved WikiLeaks. Now that it’s exposing the corruption of the DNC suddenly it has no credibility. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
      This shouldn’t be a surprise considering the left has no problem with pedophilia. In fact numerous leftist have come out and publicly stated that pedophilia is not a crime or a disorder. That it is in fact a normal behavior. Obviously you are willfully ignoring those facts.

      Liked by 12 people

      1. that is because to muslims it is no problem, most of the names on that list are for sure muslims or muslim sympathizers…don’t get ben affleck. i have noticed this….as more and more muslims invade and infiltrate our country more and more people are speaking out about how it is so normal and acceptable…..and it isn’t. the list looks about right. muslim rapes and pedophilia in this country is being covered up and it all seems to have come in with the obama government. want to have little boys to keep their immoral ilk happy. this is disgusting and i hope they all go to jail.

        Liked by 2 people

    3. Just because you don’t want this to be true doesn’t make it untrue. This has been happening for decades in the White House. The Franklin scandal. Look it up. Have some courage and face the truth.

      Liked by 10 people

      1. The franklin scandal was a hoax and proved untrue. The alleged victims were arrested for several counts of perjury.


    4. DRIVIL – ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is EXTREMELY serious stuff. Look at all the seditious things he has been doing since January 20th. He is running his shadow government out of a bunker (remind you of someone else that had a bunker and tried to over-throw his government?) and he has $400,000,000.00 (yes, that is MILLION) to work with? He has 30,000 members in various offices all over the country running a, I don’t even know what to call it. They instruct people how to protest at these town halls that members of Congress are trying to conduct – they are not even members of the given districts. He is promoting violence in the streets. ALL THIS COUPLED TOGETHER (this is just about WHAT WE KNOW) is a good reason to charge his with TREASON and put him in GITMO where he belongs.

      Liked by 10 people

    5. Not really to far fetched. Remember that obama was a practicing muslim, and this is not a sin or against sharia law. Bill had monica, john had marylyn. These people we put in the white house are evil.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. But, homosexuality is a huge “no no” and Obama could be put to death if he even looked at a little boy that way. As much as I dislike the Obamas, I would hate to think that this has any credibility, especially for the children involved.


    6. F….U RENEE WILLIAMS — I AM A VICTIM FROM THE ST. REGIS MOHAWK TRIBE. One of the “Iroquois children” STOLEN and sold into sex slavery. I HAVE ALL DOCUMENTS from the hospital, courts, lawyers, psychologists, court reports….EVERYTHING. So don’t go there–the International Criminal Court found NUMEROUS HIGH PROFILE PEOPLE GUILTY of kidnapping, trafficking, rape and MURDER of these children. Not simply that, but numerous victims testified they were part of a SATANIC pedophile ring. Just as was reported in Australia, Britain and MANY other places across the globe.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. So very sorry and sad for what you’ve been throughout. Jesus healed me of my brokenness from sexual abuses. I’m so sickened when grown adults turn a blind eyes to active abuses. If even a hint of chance, we should investigate.
        Pray for the babies and children being used abused drugged and even killed in those sick twisted pedopjile rings.

        I believe every word of it. Wikileaks has not ever proven to be wrong. Let’s see the documents.

        Anthony wiener opened the flood gates. What a name.

        Liked by 5 people

      2. Shalom from Jerusalem, I am involved ;here in exposing pedophiles, Israel is calledl the pedophiles paradise for a good reason,unfortunately.. Our great legal system that they brag about so much is bankrupt and pedophiles are protected. We did not even have a law against them for a very long time and now we do have one, punishment is very rare. I actually managed to get one of the worst men here in my city, in jail. Which is remarkable and no one expected he would be found guilty. Why I am telling you this, is because I found out that pedophilia is the worst crime and the one issue that is doing the most damage to the children of the world.

        I would love to talk to you, if you want too . My concern is all the children of the world and this is news for me about children taken from various tribes, but of course, makes sense unfortunately.

        Please be in touch with me at Ruth Cohen Harif on Facebook. Let us all work together and save more children from your experience, it is beyond horrific what is done to the children. These powerful elite monsters must be stopped from this wickedness.

        Be well, be strong and speak out always. You and me have to be the voice of the child in a world that does not want to listen to the truth. Thank God for Wikileaks for speaking out and also in the last few years, the child victims are no longer keeping quiet.

        Liked by 5 people

      3. Im seeking your partnership on a peacefull #MarchOnCongress #ProtectOurGirls #no2rape campaign on March 31 – April 1. For more information please contact me thanks

        On Feb 20, 2017 9:33 PM, “The Underground Report” wrote:

        > Ruth commented: “Shalom from Jerusalem, I am involved ;here in exposing > pedophiles, Israel is calledl the pedophiles paradise for a good > reason,unfortunately.. Our great legal system that they brag about so much > is bankrupt and pedophiles are protected. We did not even ” >

        Liked by 1 person

    7. Your response is one for which you actually think you are right. You ma’am will see in the near future this disgusting practice is being unveiled as hundreds have already been arrested now Mr Jeff Sessions is coming after the big cheese in DC. This pedo ring is 100% real,is 100% true as you have no idea how connected Hollywood and DC are. In short time you will see. Hitlary is going to prison one way or the other. Sorry to for the truth but this nation needs a hard dose of it. The facts are the facts,the documents exposing the bad guys are of their own them therevatebthevavyusl people that will come forward once this truth breaks wideboen. I have exposed this for 20 years Joe ever from 20 yestsvago to now much has changed and evil can and will no longer be able to control itself.

      Liked by 6 people

    8. renee—youre an asswipe—podesta,hillary,bill c ,and the wh have already been in emails of the same—the sex island is true and proven,yet you liberal nuts keep protecting perverts,traitors and muslim sympathizers—-wakeup your intelligence and follow the facts

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Yes Epsteins Pedophile Island was in the news pre-election. Bill C. a visitor 20+ times, and Hillary…6 or 8. Reports on these SICK A$$es has been out long ago. The mainstream too kind to report what are apparently FACTS, or even endeaver to find/follow for truth or exhonoration!

        Liked by 3 people

    9. Well, what about the “hot dogs and pizza” shipped in? The White House has a chef and residents are obliged to eat only food prepared under strict and safe conditions. So obviously the hot dogs and pizza were not referring to food. The amount of $$ spent on these code word items could not possibly have been the price of food. Pull your head out dear, Assange is our MOST credible truther!! I’m very sorry your favorite and fake president was so evil and it’s now coming into the light. I know it hurts, I’ve had my paradigm blown to bits before, but if you seek the truth instead of trying to mold your information into an acceptable narrative you enjoy, you’ll find freedom and wisdom. The truth, God’s truth in Jesus Christ, WILL indeed set YOU free too. You can get through this. I realize it’s hard to see your hero fall from celebrity status to the degenerate he truly is, it may or may not bring you comfort to know, he never loved you, or America but was a puppet paid and set up to destroy this country and all the good it stands for. Donald Trump is just a man also, but God CAN and Is using him to give us a reprieve, from the global initiative of us being no longer sovereign, but slaves to a new world order. A chance to harvest souls of believers in Jesus Christ bound for heaven. Before the whole of Revelations comes to fruition. I pray you too can jump on the love train and come out from the worldly wicked system before it swallows you too. Things are going to get much worse and everyone must choose a side. It really IS a spiritual battle between good and evil. Julien Assange is on the side of good! Exposing corruption and ways that our leaders have been controlled through thier weaknesses into blackmail, to do the bidding of powers and principalities that despise mankind and are the enemy of God and all that is sacred. Pray for help. Repent and ask for your blinders to be removed so you can see. We have some time left, I hope. Choose you this day whom you will serve. I choose facts, truth, and protecting the children born and not yet born.

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      1. thank you so much for your heaert warming words of truth the coming back of Christ is near follow the signs in revelations we are his chosen country he is waiting for his church to be ready. i live on the faith that trump was anointed by God to help save our nation. without God he could never have withstood the abused he has experienced, without God Hillary would have won

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    10. Wikileaks has posted 10 million documents over 10 years and not one has ever been proved false or altered. Julian assange is the most valid reliable trustworthy and verified source of information in the history of all news!

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    11. You might want to look up the podesta bad parent video on twitter. It is so alarming. Made the hair on my neck stand up and the bile rise in my throat. Where there is smoke there is fire. We have known about these allegations for a long time and many are involved.

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    12. Wow its not like the first time Obama has been linked nor is it the first time Hillary and Bill also have been linked but hey keep your head in the sand, just remember it was Hillary who made the statement after that townhall meeting with Matt Lauer where she had a fit wanting Matt fired for asking her a question not approved by her or her staff when she said if Trump wins “we all will hang” of course most of us already know they committed treason and its no secret Bill is a pervert who has raped more women than I care to count while Hillary attacked this victims I am just thankful that wicked witch lost and I hope all of them hang not just because of this but because of what they have done to this country.

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      1. What Mr. Nixon did was small time compared to the treason and other crimes these democrats are guilty of. I do not remember Nixon paying well over a billion dollars ransom to Iran or make a very favor agreement for Iran like Obama has.

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    13. Paedophilia – perversions – corruption – has been part of ALL ruling powers – the bigger the Empire the bigger the perversions. It is there in thousands of years of human history for all to read. Do you think they are any different today??? The evidence proves they are following that pattern of all that went before them.

      Sexual depravities of all kinds are the hallmark of human rule – today is no exception.

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    14. If it’s true, they all need to be made examples out of TNA ( the new America ) and I’m not jumping to conclusions. If this is true the should all be executed, you don’t mess with God’s little ones.

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    15. It is our full responsibility as adults to set aside any beliefs we have that might impede the exposing of the pederasty of innocent catamites and young girls and do EVERYTHING we can to provide loving, sustaining environments for humanity’s children to thrive in. The children cannot do it, it is OURS. Please try to see the welfare of children, above all subliminal programming, we have to END this TOGETHER. There is some very damning and on-the-face-of-it, unbelievable breaking news accusations out there concerning pedo- rings that is about to shake the world to its core. Be ready for the kids sake. Lets come from our hearts and not from our heads.

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    16. I very pro Trump and antiObama/Clinton and would love it if this were true but, first off if this had any weight it would hit Mainstream media, at least Fox News and second, what the eff is underground report?! Lol!! To good to be true I think!


      1. It was on FOX NEWS. Megyn Kelly did an interview with the Comet Pizza owner! But it was very sympathetic to the pizza owner.. They showed a pic of a little boy stretched out over a table no clothes from waist above…hands were duct taped to the table. The Comet pizza owne said that is my nephew as if that explained it. Megyn Kelly didn’t even have the SENSE to ask him why was the boy’s hands taped to the table…both their eyes were twinkling as if they had a joke between the.. I BELIEVE IT IS REAL. So many celebrities involved that would included news reporters.

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    17. Right before Bill Clinton left office he pardoned his friend, Jeff Epstein. Epstein was a convicted child molester. Cathy O’Brien wrote a book Tranceformation of America. She writes about her years of torture and abuse, including Female genital mutilation. She also wrote about being molested by Hillary. She was one of the lucky ones to escape. The Clintons never sued her for defamation. Their are records of both Clintons going to Epstein’s island aka pedophile island. Bill at least 26 times, Hillary at least 6 times. Monica Peterson was murdered shortly before the election. She was investigating the Clinton Foundation and its connection to missing children of Haiti. The Clintons recently bailed their friend Laura Silsby because she was arrested for trying to sneak out 33 kids out of the country of Haiti. Then of course, there is their friend Anthony Weiner. Something is going on.

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    18. Lmao, let’s see what the response is I would say there is very mixed opinions on Assange credibility. I have heard any denial, mostly anger that info was shared. It good to see librals shift their attention.

      Pizzagate is going make the demorcrats stop this craziness. Children, yikes.

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    19. IF Assange actually reported that, how often has he been wrong so far? Uh, hasn’t.
      So Gruberites think his claims are extreme?
      News Flash: the disbelief of liberals has zero bearing on what is truth or not.

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    20. Ms. Williams, perhaps it is time for you to take your blinders off. Wikileaks as a 100% accuracy rating. They have NEVER reported a story that they cannot verify and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. If I were you, I would be more terrified by the likes of George Soros paying people to turn peaceful protests into riots that damage property and threaten lives. I would be more concerned about BLM being a terrorist organization filled with Black supremacists, White apologists and illegal aliens. I would be more concerned with protesters blocking highways and holding Americans hostage in their cars. I would be more concerned about soaring unemployment and under employment in this country and a broken healthcare system. Even Germany’s mortality rates are higher than ours. Your personally imposed confinement into the alternate reality created by the smoke and mirrors of the alternative left has impaired your ability to use your own common sense.

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    21. is that what you think?? you should keep an eye out for the truth… why do you think all this american and european politicians do the unimagible things they do to their own people? why are there so many politicians completely cut off from reality (that is what we think..) why is a European commision under control by people with a past?? (notice that the european Union is under direct control from the deep state…)

      Check out the MH17 disaster, and tell me why it is possible for the deep state that mark Rutte, president in the Netherlands, is going with their ideas, instead of searching for the truth…? i think all deep state people, like the Obama’s the Clintons, but also frau merkel were put in a situation where the deep state can take profit from… and who wants to be accused of chlidmolesting?? Assange brought out quite some good things that were really true, so why shouldn’t you believe him….

      in nazi Germany Goebbels said that if you make the lie big or extreme enough, no one would investigate it… and we all know the deep states loves the old fashioned style to make us believe nothing is going on..

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    22. This seems a little wild but lets face it there is no level these liberals will not stoop to. There could be some truth to it. Only time will tell.


    23. Pull your head out of your ass Renee. You really think Assange said this? You really think Jimmy Carter is involved in this crap? Pelosi? Not enough money in the world to fuck her.


    24. I will be so glad when this is all out. Some say envelopes a lot of government people. President Donald Trump can say YOU ARE FIRED!! AND GOING TO JAIL!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🀄🀄❤❤

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      1. People have a hard time believing an actor they admire being involved in this, why? Because this helps not to think of the sheer horror these little ones endure maybe. Pray, and set your intention for this all to stop now and all the children and other sex slaves to find healing and sanctuary.

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    25. How can people just push things out of their minds so easily? Do you not remember the email leak about “sex Island “, where they were drinking blood and othe body fluids. They had small children there for sex.. All of them!!! OBAMA , HILLARY, Bill and the whole list go there.. They are devil worshipers!!

      Liked by 2 people

    26. Assange isn’t making anything up… the emails are being collected from many sources… lots of them from Huma Abedins laptop, confiscated by the NYPD while investigating her husband Anthony Weiner on charges of “sexting” with a minor… And Mr Weiner is singing his ass off while being interrogated just to cut some time off any impending conviction and sentencing… This is why so many people will fight Trumps picks for his cabinet… Trump intends to prosecute all those perverts…


    27. Wikileaks have NEVER been wrong YET!!!!!! Its people like you who {out of sheer ignorance} allow this type of thing to continue.I really pity fools like you.


    28. Don’t take too lightly any gross acts against children , they have to be investigated and answered to the people of the worlds satisfaction , we are the guardians of children it is our duty to investigate every claim , and protect every child from everywhere from these sick humans


    29. Close your eyes Renee, like so many do, and repeat after me…….”There is no place like home, there is no place like home, there is no place like home”. make sure your eyes are closed and you tap your shoes together!


    30. Renee, you speak with such confidence and arrogance. How could you know for certain such things DID NOT happen? Yes, burden of proof lies upon the accuser yet you seem to dismiss the allegations as if they are not possible. You leave no room to even consider facts.

      You obviously haven’t been paying attention if you think this is not “possible”. No worries, the internet and #TRUMPNATION will follow up on all leads, fake, or real, wrong, or right, and get to the TRUTH. That’s the ultimate imperative. TRUTH.


      1. why do you think trump is hated so by the elite government they know he knows the truth and cant be bought by the establishment they are scared to death that truths such as this will be uncovered for the world to see thank God for the wikileaks

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    31. guess you missed out on pizzagate…john podesta HRC’s campaign manager also hung out a lot with obama …podesta has a pedophile art colleciton in his home; his brother is a registered sex offender. anthony weiner human abedin’s estranged husband’s was caught carrying on with a 15 yo girl…his shared computer was seized; contents revealed much on pizzagate, huma his wife who is HRC’s chief aid…arrests have already been made over last several years in international pedophile sex trafficking ring in ohio, canada, norway….many of those arrested are adoption agencies, cops, drs, government officials…once you understand pedophilia’s been big in hollywood for decades and the hollywood connection to the white house….lindsay lohan…miley cyrus…the dead Corey Haim and corey feldman passed around like a pack of marshmellows. I believe it all. It is heinous. At least 9 investigative reporters have been digging…there is an entire set of code words and pricing using FOOD ITEMS to identiy the type os child sex desired. How many pizzas for $40,000 have you ordered? Heard of snuff films. The rich famous and Godless have disgusting appetites.


    32. Cognitive dissonance prevents people from considering things outside their world view. Please don’t allow your doubts or fears to stop you from looking into the facts to make up your own mind. Often, the mind ducks from the hard stuff


    33. What the fuck would you know? You are living in a fantasy land, I bet you still believe that the Muslims were responsible for 911! So keep your shit opinions to yourself you fucking sheep!! You and people like you are what’s wrong with the world today! To dumb to think for yourself, happy giving all of your rights and freedoms away just so you can blame someone else for all your fuck ups! You are pathetic! And useless waste of space!!


    34. Absolutely, Renee. Common sense tells us that Obama is one of the most honorable of all Presidents. They can’t touch him, his intelligence, his swagger (haha). His success is too much for them. Unbelievable.


    35. The sad thing is absolutely nothing will be done about it. And I was accused of seeing things that were not happening when every picture of the “family” ovomit is walking in front, holding the hand of the 16 year old daughter. NO 16 year old wants to be seen in public with her father holding her hand!

      Liked by 1 person

    36. renee williams is would much more be apt to believe Julia Assange than anything Obummer ever told us…he was fraudulently in office to destroy America… I prefer to keep America and help MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN…


      1. Here is your proof!! John Podesta abusing a child in the shower!! Lucky someone recorded it behind his back!!


    37. Renee Williams, take a look at Cathy O’Brian’s web site about MK Ultra, and check out her book, “Trance Formation of America” In her book, she names the Clintons having being involved years ago in group sex with children and adults that were brainwashed by the CIA, she was one of the victims. This came out in the 1980’s senate subcommittee hearings that exposed the CIA’s brainwashing policy. Also, check out Brice Taylor on google and youtube, check her book “Thanks for the Memories”, about HER MK Ultra brainwashing experiences, and she too names the clintons and a host of other unbelievable notables who were involved in such orgies.

      Before you dismiss this as “ridiculous” do your own research, I just gave you some info to go on, and also do some research of MK Ultra on YouTube, you’ll be shocked by what former LA FBI head, Ted Gunderson said about MK Ultra and its participants. Maybe this info will convince you to not be so cynical!


    38. You really need to do your research before claiming that its untrue, Obama is married to a man as Michelle was originally Michael levaughn Robinson who had a sex change before going to Princeton as Michelle Robinson and as for this story its been common knowledge that him and the Clinton’s etc are paedos


    39. Now you know why they were so desperate to keep Trump out and are trying to keep him backstepping now that he is in office, Deathly afraid of what he may uncover from these scumbags for the last 40 years. And expose it to us!!






    42. Really? After all OBAMA has done to destroy this Country, the lies and deceit he has demonstrated… why is it so hard to believe he did this…. he is a Muslim!


      1. Someone asked where the secret service was. Their oath of office effectively gags them. Thats why you only hear abot it in books after they retire. They have been covering for presidents at leasr as far back as JFK


    43. In the past three weeks major pedophile rings have been taken down in major US cities, something is going on and someone was protecting these rings. That is what I want to know and why are there doctors and Supreme Court Juristic coming out and saying we need to change the age of consent? At least once a week somewhere in some newspaper you see the article.


    44. This is absolutely true, the Obamas are sick demented predators, most people dont even know that Michelle was born a man, and has been anally fucking the President in the White House for 8 years! So, Wiki leaks has a record of being correct 100%, so why would they start making up shit, you idiot liberals need to open your eyes to the Truth

      Liked by 1 person

    45. Name one article that Julian released that has been proven wrong. Not one thing has been contested because of e mails. Liberals are pissing their pants now. I volunteer for jury duty.

      Liked by 1 person

    46. Hillary and Bill , took many a trip to Orgy Island.
      Bill more than her. They went on a private plane. The owner of the plane is in prison ,for sex with children.. Read about it!!


    47. When you want to discredit someone, you run an over the top story so people castigate or nullify other verified truth. We saw that happening with 911 information, you simply erect a straw man then tear it down. My guess is someone Is trying to discredit WikiLeaks by this story. Some have said this particular story wasn’t on the WikiLeaks website, which probably invalidates it. There’s not even a video, or quotes around what he supposedly said.


    48. This Reply is for Jenny Brown. Jenny “Hot Dog Food” does not mean the Beef or Pork Hot dogs that you eat in a cook out. Sorry for the Graphics but you seem to be clue less here. It means the body part of a boys private anatomy. Now do you get it? At any rate this whole thing is just Sickening. I’m glad that it is getting exposed and how Ben Affleck could be involved, well, if he is part of the Illuminati which a lot of Politicians, Hollywood stars and Music Entertainers are involved in as well as Spirit Cooking it’s not surprising. Sickening and Disgusting but not surprising.

      Liked by 1 person

    49. @Renee Williams
      I’d believe Assange ‘anytime’ than any other ‘alleged’ media outlet or reporter.
      He’s been right 100% of the time and the fact that about 70% of Congress / House are now being exposed as ‘corrupt’.. there is NO QUESTION anymore about this. Just bring on the noose’s… We can handle it!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. “In fact, Pizzagate has everything to do with the Purple Revolution.”

      PIZZAGATE: Why it was exposed just before the 2016 election
      Posted on February 18, 2017 by State of the Nation
      And who really blew it wide open
      Continue reading →

      I haven’t found verification yet, more coming out:
      Leaked: John Podesta Torturing Child at Comet Pizza

      The #Pizzagate Wiki

      DC PizzaGate: A Primer UPDATED 1/19 – Suspected Pedophile …

      Day 118 – DynCorp Harvest, Killing Is Good Business, Part 2 –

      Liked by 3 people

    2. It’s worse. The news media covers it up. Most likely all of the top executives are involved in pedophilia. Even Fox News dismisseed ‘PizzaGate’ as a hoax. Trump is right. The media is the enemy of the American people, and they have been for decades.

      Liked by 6 people

    3. The corruption goes real deep that’s why they are fighting so hard to keep the RealAmericans from finding out how bad it’s gotten,the Whitehouse was very corrupt time they go to prison!!!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Goes even beyond that. You have a MAC address which is unique to your device, and an IP address which is linked to your location, and you have the email headers which Google has itself verified. The emails are real and these leaks really came from HRC/DNC/Podesta/Obama. There’s an email chain where you see Obama tell someone that Clinton’s email isn’t coming from a gov server. He continued to email her and did nothing. These leaks show us the monster this man and all these “world leaders” are.

        Liked by 4 people

  2. Any thing illegal the Moslem Obama is involved in SHOULD NOT BE SHOCKING. Oh, of course to his ALT-LEFT MORONS IT WOULD BE (Dalit, Nina Londagin, Renne Williams).

    Liked by 2 people

  3. We have heard all of this before the election !!! Weiner is not the only pervert !! All these people were linked to this and it was swept under the rug !!! The swamp is very deep . Nobody ever is held accountable for their crimes .!!! Hillary wants to be Mayor now ?? Omg she and many others deserve prison !!!

    Liked by 1 person

    Being all THEIR SHOT RECORDS,UP TO DATE.. DONT FORGET THE NEWEST VACCINES TOO. MARK THEM W/ a pink Wal-Mart SIGN on their for heads and chip these scum

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The evidence of this is all over you tube channels. The documentrys are endless. Mainstream media will not report any of it. Let alone investigate it. Its up to the American people to push this into the light. Warning very Disturbing. Look for Pizzagate & Pedogate

    Liked by 2 people

  6. dont doubt at all obama is the antichrist and his evil desires seem a little far fetched to normal human beings but take into account he is a muslim terrorist and this sounds more realistic. yes obama belongs to the muslim brotherhood and they rape little boys also

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  7. Not surprised at all after all Obama is a muslim and muslims marry 9 year old lil girls n like to rape people. We already knew about Bill n Killary on sex island. These evil sick people need to be taken down and locked up perminatly! Wiki leaks has always been right on. Thats why these people are working so hard to disscredit President Trump because they are scared as hell. They have alot of bs to hide. They r scum they r criminal they deserve to be locked up.

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  8. Believe it about Jimmy Carter. He would pretend to carry his own luggage. Retired Secret Service agents confirmed those luggage items were all empty. They also drank like fish claiming to be teetotallers.they were into a lot of crap.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Watch out for when the guilty party plants their own exaggerated and false news claims sandwiched together with the true crime facts in order to trick the people into discrediting everything about it.

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  10. This is why we saw Al Franken screaming he wants Trump declared mentally incapacitated. The pedophiles are scrambling – they’re scared, and they’re lashing out at Trump because Trump is going to put a stop to it and see that they’re all punished!

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  11. Guys although I have read several stories about the pedophile ring and it does appear to be sickeningly true Wikileaks did not release anything about this on twitter yesterday or recently. We have to all be sure we are spreading verified news. Sometimes it’s very easy to check.

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  12. Am beginning to understand exactly what cements these two groups(libtards and muznuts) together: their love of pedophilia along with their absolute refusal to EVER take responsibility for their own actions. It’s always somebody else’s fault no matter what!

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  13. This idiot put out a story yesterday that was so full of bullshit, and trump praise.. this is just another.. and as far as the white house doing amazing things now, that is also a pack of lies and bullshit.. this must be bannon’s blog and as we all know.. he’s full of bullshit..


  14. Think of all the abandoned babies/children in other countries, that can be so easily plucked up off the street. Think of the missing children from the USA. SEX Trafficking is a huge problem in the USA. WHY???? Because the slimey, sick perverts, probably holding a ton of then on pedophile Island. Someone asked about the Secret Service. Ole Slick Willie (bill clinton) made several trips to Pedophile island, WITHOUT the Secret Service. I just can’t believe as much that has been said about this, something has not been done.

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  15. Please visit my YouTube channel, leave a comment, share the word, spread the message of truth. Never be afraid, never be silent. God have given us a sound mind not to be fearful of the enemy. Please follow me on twitter @ezibee007 watch my periscope videos & RT to all your twitterers & followers. Support my #MarchOnCongress #ProtectOurGirls saying #no2rape. We all as Christians & believers of the faith MUST come together & fight this scorn of evil.

    Its not about democrats or republicans, liberatarian, socialist, center right left, independent etc no more its about life & humanity. Its about life over death, good over evil, sin vs righteousnes, the devil vs Jesus. I can go on & on but this is about me & you. Our pastors have sold us out, our churches are silent, our Girls and boys are being brainwashed are raped by evil forces & elite people of government & society. Lets March on WASHINGTON March 31 to April 1 for a real cause for our women children & LIFE.

    PLEASE #HearOurCry #WeThePeople stands for righteousness.

    For ways you can participate or contribute.

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